Wednesday, March 16, 2016

More Blue Max

Managed to get the game back on the table during the sibling game night which made me really excited as I am a fan of the era and jump at the chance to play a game with plotting and dice throwing. Lucky for me Blue max fits that bill perfectly. Unfortunately one of our siblings had to work so there was only three of us to play the game. We elected for a free for all, everyone flying Fokker Dr. 1 to try and keep things even. It actually worked out rather well.

 Apparently I am easy to read. I was flying the Baron.
 Trying to drag the other plan into the fight.
 A surprise head to head that saw engine damage for the black Dr. 1
 Attempting to outrun the black Dr.1 and score a kill. Opened myself up trying to get a lock and was shot down with a pilot kill and a broken wing.
 The end of the game was a series of circles, both pilots trying to outguess the other.
Black attempted to stall and spun the plane. Yellow circled and shot him down!

Was a fun, sometimes tense game. With the older siblings it is almost a game of guess if they guessed your move and turns out to be a lot trickier than expected. My brother in the black Dr. 1 seemed to always be right on my tail or close enough to be tailing me most of the game. My sister-in-law in the yellow Dr. 1 spent the first part of the game maneuvering while we battled, resulting in a wild chase across the board. In the end she managed to come out on top with barely a plane left to get home. The prospect of trying to get all six players on the board is quite alluring now! Bring on the chaos!

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