Happy belated Easter! As is the habit of my family, we had a
rather large gathering with lots of good food and fun times. This also means
that there will be board games aplenty! We managed to get in a game of
Zombicide which is always a great deal of fun. If you have never played it I
highly recommend giving it a shot as it can be very tense.
But before that game we managed to get in a game of Gunship.
One of our younger siblings wanted to learn how to play so we opted for a four
player free for all. This game was absolutely chaotic and a blast to play! With
it being our second game, set up was quick and easy and we even got a little
more random with our initial set ups. Once the dice were rolled to see who goes
first, the carrier round, which is the carriers shooting at each other, works
around the table with each player picking which carrier they are going to shoot
on this turn. Though you would suspect ganging up, you also don’t want to leave
any one opponent too strong while everyone else is battling it out.
Experience showed with us playing a lot more cautiously with
out gunships, pulling them back for repairs at a fairly regular rate where as
we were a bit more reckless with them in the first game. Lots of back and forth
action, trying to decide when best to attack or when to hold back which also
resulted in two gunships getting destroyed when their carriers exploded. My
gunship suffered enough damage to actually explode but in this game you are
only out when your carrier goes down. Though I expected this to be pointless it
actually made the end of the game to be rather tense. Since all of the carrier
damage is card driven from the deck, there is no telling how much damage could
be dealt. The last turn I was sitting on four hull points with my brother on
two hull points.
I drew a repair card; effectively a missed shot and my
sibling drew a single damage on me. He then launched a torpedo attack and a
bombing run that sealed the game. It was a truly awesome finish! And it also
illustrated how the game can really go either way due to the cards.It have enjoyed both times that I have had this game on the table and I really expect that this will continue to hit the table for the foreseeable future.
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